Four Things That Affect Your Auto Insurance, But You May Not Be Able To Change

Your auto insurance rates don't just depend on your driving history and the type of car you drive; many other things affect the rates. In fact, some of them are things you cannot change; such as these five:

Your Age

Age is one of the biggest determinants of auto insurance rates, yet it is something you cannot change (unless you lie on your driving license, and this is a fraudulent act that can cost you dearly). The teenage years, which are the ages at which most people begin driving, attract the highest rates. This is because teenagers are more reckless and more likely to be involved in auto accidents than other age groups. As people get more driving experience their risk of accidents reduces and insurance companies reward them with lower rates.

Your Gender

Gender is another thing that has a big influence on auto insurance rates, but it's not practical to change your gender just to enjoy low rates. Male drivers tend to attract high rates because they drive a lot, tend to be reckless and get involved in more accidents than women drivers. This is not just a perception; there are statistics that show male drivers are involved in more accidents than women drivers.

Your Marital Status

Can you get married to enjoy low insurance rates? This is a definitive no for most people, but it is a fact that marital status affects auto insurance rates. Married people, especially if they both have good driving histories, tend to enjoy low auto insurance rates. The belief here is that married drivers are more likely to be careful and responsible than their single counterparts.

Your Job

Your job is another factor that determines whether the insurance company classifies you as a risky driver. Some jobs or professions are considered risky because they are very stressful, and stress increases the risk of accidents. Some jobs are also considered risky because they involve a lot of driving, and the more you drive the more you are likely to be involved in an accident. For example, if you are a salesperson who travels around the country selling things, your exposure to road accidents is high and your insurance premiums will also be high. However, it is not practical to switch jobs due to auto insurance rates.

The good news is that, even if you can't change the above factors, there are always things you can do to ensure they don't send your rates to sky high. For example, if you are married and your partner is affecting your rates, you can opt for separate policies. Talk to an insurance agent, like one from Bishop Insurance Agency, for more ways of managing your auto insurance rates.
